Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Lab on Monday 3-21

This week our lab theme was cowboys and cowgirls, we were in pre-k and we split it up so we had the students in the classroom and the another group took the students in the gym and we helped out with their games. This week I was surprised at how well the students were listening and taking in all the directions for the games because they were so young, they did an excellent job. I felt like all the students were all really involved with our games this week too. Our TA's said that we really needed to cut down on tag games. For the next time I am going to look for games like nothing we have done before so that the students are getting a variety of games and things to do instead of the same games with different names.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Lab on Monday 2-28

This week in lab we were in the pre-k room which was really fun. They are really interested in what activities that you have planed for them and want to play all of your games. They are more open to play with you also, I was building Lincoln Logs with a couple children and they have such great imaginations. When we walked in though the girls were all coloring and the boys were all playing with Lincoln Logs which I thought was funny because they already have associated "girl" activities from "boy" activities. We did a craft where they would create "Sponge Bob" out of pipe cleaners, googley eyes, and a popsicle sticks. The students were really involved and all of them wanted to create a "Sponge Bob". It was hard for them to put the pipe cleaners into the sponge, so we would go around and help them out. Fine motor skills are still difficult for them but they do the best that they can. In the gym we played different games but it was really hard for them to do some of the games that we had prepared so I just did some versions of some tag games to keep them moving and active. At this age they need really simple games that can change quickly so that their attention can be kept. We all learned that we need to prepare more games with different modifications to keep them moving and so that we don't run out of games to play with them.